Nathan Phennel
Software Dev
Music Maker
Nathan Phennel Profile Pic

About Me

At work, I lead a team of experienced Javascript and Java developers. We develop ways to collect user behavior data and visualize analytics insights. Using our tools, businesses can identify user friction points and respond accordingly.

After hours, I'm usually working on some web project or making music.

Check out ongoing projects

image of Referral Bot

IM bot simulation, built with React, that I redesigned to give users a more mindful outlook.

image of Banterer

npm package that displays comical and smart quotes in the terminal for dev inspiration.

image of nighthelper.jpg

npm package for quickly generating tests, page objects, configuration files and custom commands.

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🙌 I dare you to audit this site to really appreciate the site performance.

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I've tested everything from shopping cart systems to 'smart' digital set top boxes for TV.

more projects...

Dead Projects

Sadly, this work is no longer maintained for one reason or another but it's important to remember the good times.
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Family-Feud-style guessing game with Google search autocomplete.

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A basic chat app built with React, Redux, Redux-Saga, and web sockets.

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IoT device to warn users of impending natural disasters.

What people say

Ken M.

Ken M.

Technical Writer @Temenos

'Nathan operates with a long-term strategic view and a day-to-day sense of urgency. Not someone who sits back on his heels and waits for things to happen ... he sees the need and makes it happen now.'






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© Copyright 2023 Nathan Phennel