Tag: "gatsby"

Found 5 posts tagged with "gatsby"

Include your Instagram feed in a Gatsby site
April 23, 2023

Do you want your Gatsby site to display your Instagram posts with images, captions, likes, comments and hashtags?

Setting up a SEO React component for your Gatsby site
April 3, 2023

SEO & Gatsby Handling SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in a Gatsby 5 project can be overwhelming at first. There are many aspects to cover. In this post, I'll take a look at an…

Sitemap and robots.txt for your Gatsby site
April 2, 2023

Assessing your current situation Before creating a sitemap and robots.txt for your Gatsby v5 blog, you may want to check if you already have them and how they look. You can do this…

Setting up SEO for a Gatsby blog
February 3, 2023

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a complex and challenging task for any Gatsby project. You need to consider many factors to optimize your site. One of the key elements of SEO…

Upgrading this very Gatsby blog (v1 => v4)
February 2, 2023

First of all, I'm running such an old version of Gatsby that I can't use any of its newest features. To use SEO tools, I need to upgrade to . My notes from performing the upgrade…

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